Saturday, 9 January 2016

Travel Diary: Disney Dreams..

At the beginning of December.. I was lucky enough to visit Disneyland Paris. I had distant, happy memories of when I first visited at the age of 7, but that was 15 years ago and I had to relive the experience as an adult! (Although, I'm sure I behaved more like a child this time around..) Visiting at christmas time made it all the more magical, and our stay at the Radisson Blu hotel was also incredible. Some of these pictures made it to Instagram, but it didn't feel right not to share them on this blog, which I hope this year will be a place where I can share any trips I'm lucky enough to embark on, or places I'm lucky enough to visit..



Long Time, No Blog..

There are no excuses to explain why I haven't blogged since May.. University, work, acting and life in general got in the way and I lost my urge to write for a while. However, Christmas has passed and its a brand new year. I'm feeling more inspired than ever, and one of my 'goals' (I'm steering clear of the word resolution) is to blog more, write more and just enjoy it instead of feeling like I have to post regularly just for the sake of it. If the few people that ever read this blog enjoy it, then that's great, but I want to enjoy it personally. Here's to 2016, and hoping it brings lots of travel..

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